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Associate a constituent with a case

If a case has been raised by a constituent or other contact, you'll want to link them to the case. You can do this quickly while adding a case, by either choosing a contact you've added before or adding a new contact.

Choose a contact you've added before

Click the Add Case button.

Type in the box to find a contact you've added before.

A screenshot of eCasework showing the consistent interface

Click the contact's name to add them.


Add a new contact

Click the Add Case button.

Click 'add a new constituent to associate with this case'.

A screenshot of eCasework showing the consistent interface

Enter the contact's details.

A screenshot of eCasework showing the consistent interface

Scroll down and click the 'Add constituent' button. This will add the constituent to your address book and associate them with the case.

A screenshot of eCasework showing the consistent interface